Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It's been awhile

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since Father's Day. I am surprised that Donna hasn't gotten on my butt for it. It has been a busy and stressful time since Father's Day... As I posted before one of my son's friends is visiting him. Well he has been here almost a month, he will be leaving this coming weekend. I have enjoyed my son being able to visit with his friend, buy why in the hell did I agree to a month? I thought 2 weeks max, I can do this.... Now it is to the point where they are constantly bickering!!! They are worse than teenage girls!!!!

I got to meet my grandson for the first time!!! They came in from Germany on Friday of this past week. He is sooooo adorable and so cuddly! I will be heartbroken when they leave. My baby girl (his mommy) also turned 20 years old yesterday. Boy it seems like yesterday that I gave birth to her and now she is a mommy to a beautiful baby boy. I am so proud of her, she is a WONDERFUL mommy. She has really stepped up to the plate and has done major growing up. I guess motherhood has a way of doing that to you. My heart will break when she leaves too as I feel that we have grown soooo much closer since she gave birth. She now understands why a mom worrys so much about her children. She now knows why a mom never buys herself anything; because she spends it all on the kids, lol...

Well next week my other son will be going to summer camp. The Elks have a summer camp each year for handicapped individuals. Don't get me wrong, I love my son with all of my heart and soul, but I look forward to the week that he is a summer camp. I get to spend quality time with the others, that I normally wouldn't be able to spend with him because of his Autism and always having to be with him. The other kids suffer because he can't do this or that, so we don't go....

O.K. I really don't have anything to ramble on about so I guess that is all for now....see ya....

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